Monster Hunter Rise premieres demo on PC: Join hunt before his debut in January
Monster Hunter Rise is another of those titles that have raised the level of the release year of Capcom . Hunting has already started at Nintendo Switch with its official premiere on March 26, and the game has accumulated astronomical sales on the hybrid console. Now you are ready to jump to PC at the beginning of 2022, with an experience that will get much more out of the technical benefits of the work. To check it ourselves, one Demo in Steam has been available from today, which can be accessed completely free from the official profile of the game on the platform of Valve . It requires, yes, around 10 gigas of free space on the disk. This trial version can be enjoyed in groups of up to four players. It allows us to try 14 types of different weapons and perform a couple of training missions. Of course, we should experience some hunts, beating in a duel with great Izuchi, Mituzsune and Magnamalo, without any limitation of available attempts. The Monster Hunter Rise demo has come a...