Correspond to Japanese! 19th Century London Action Puzzle Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows Trailer Released! 【GAMESCOM 2021】

MLB The Show 17 - PlayStation Experience 2016: Gameplay Reveal Trailer | PS4

At the largest game show Gamescom 2021 in Europe, the MONOCHROME PARIS of Out of LINE is developed, and the Publisher is released by the TANDEM: A Tale of Shadows in charge of Hatinh Interactive's game play trailer Yes. This work is a work that is decided to rebuild the puzzle platformer genre, which is operated while switching Fenton, which is her teddy bear and her teddy bear, solves a mystery boy's disappearance incident on the stage of London at the end of the 19th century. . In the trailer, you can check the 19th century Victorian morning atmosphere graphics and puzzles using switches. Tandem: A Tale of Shadows will be released in PC / PS4 / Xbox One during 2021. Trial version is also delivered on the Steam store page. It also supports Japanese.


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