How to find a silver chain bracelet in Red Dead Redemption 2

By exploring _red dead redemption 2, _ you can cross an item called silver bracelet. It's a random element that you can locate while walking in secondary quests, and you can use it to create a rare element called bear claw talisman. Unfortunately, although the object is a random drop, it is difficult to find, but there are infallible means of locating it.

You can find the article by visiting Aberdeen's swine farm, southeast of Emerald station. You can choose to go through a kinematics with the family where or kill them immediately. Both methods have a chance to reward a cash chain bracelet, and you can find it on Tammy Aberdeen's body. This is one of the limited guaranteed drops for this object in the game.

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Another place with a greater chance to find the article is in Watson's Cabin, which is north of Little Creek River inside the Big Valley area. You can fly the place, and inside you have to find a bedside table. The bedside table has a chance to have the bracelet inside, and although it's a higher chance than other playgrounds, some players reported that they did not have Received the object after completely stole this place.

Once you have checked these two locations, unfortunately, it's time to rely on RNG to find it somewhere. You want to continue to look inside jewelry boxes inside the houses and flying. These two methods are reliable ways to locate the element.


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