How do you defend in FIFA 22
Attack wins games, but defense wins championships. To know how to defend in FIFA 22, the difference can make up a season, a weekend league and a reward rank. FIFA is rather offensive, because where is the fun, clean leaves and 1: 0 victories? But when playing with many goals is the risk that in full time they did not have the chance to achieve a gate more than their opponent.
Updates in FIFA 22 bring more control and immersion than ever before. This year, FIFA has introduced many improvements in attack ki. So you have to be on the ball to defend a guided tour. Your opponents are now smarter and know when you meet killer passes or make crosses. In addition, the personality of a player can determine how well he can catch loose passports, how fast he closes the ball and how it probably acts successfully.
Effective defend can also be attacked quickly. To squeeze the ball and start a fast counter with the opposing short number, she brings her to a massive advantage.
How do you succeed in FIFA 22? With the practical guidance of The PC Player 24 and something exercise you defend in no time like the professionals.
How to defend in FIFA 22
Defense in FIFA 22 is on timing and anticipation. If you rely on the Ki to defend for you, this can lead to catastrophic results.
To defend in FIFA 22, you have to Jockey s opponent. Hold down L2 / LT. When Jockeet, her defender turns to the attacker and put it under pressure. From here you can force a susceptible passport or intercept the ball or bring the player from the field. A faster jockey (holding L2 / LT and R2 / RT) can be practical to pursue the wing player and bring them - and the ball - from the game.
If you think that you have done your positioning correctly, you can get startup manually (O / B) to expropriate the attacker. Holding O / B leads to a harder hit, so be aware and meet the right timing. Use Slide Tackles (square / X) only if you are absolutely sure that you get the ball, otherwise your player can expect an early showers.
You also need to master the player change to defend intelligently. Manual player change is becoming more successful than to meet R1 / RB and prevents their defense from being drawn from the formation. To manually switch the player, move the right analog stick towards the player you want to select. New for FIFA 22: If you press the right stick during defense, the symbol switching is called. Four defenders receive a certain direction above their heads, so they can move the right stick in the direction of the desired defender.
Players can shoulde side by side with an attacker shoulders by tapping O / B and blocking the ball manually when they are in the ball line by pressing O / B.
Drawing a Ki player with teammate (retaining R1 / RB) to push the opponent while looking for narrow fast tracks is a more advanced type of defense. In FIFA 22, teammates have a perisher strip so that they can not last forever, but with players with a high defensive work rate you can use this risky and rewarding movement meaningfully.
Competition settings are always active in FUT RIVALS and CHAMPIONS, online and co-opa saisons and per clubs. This switches off the automatic shares and allows only a manual jockey. So if you take your FIFA 22 game online, remember.
Tips for a better defense in FIFA 22
Here are our best tips to improve your defense in FIFA 22:
Invest in your players: Faster central defenders are more error more errors when they pull them out of position (and that s a part of what Varane and Van Dijk is Sun OP), but these are available in FUT at a top price . The use of chemical styles can significantly improve the player statistics. Those for the pace have a premium. Direction very back: If you have strayed from the pace with an enemy wing player miles from the pace, they are prone to early flanks, cut-ins or attackers who change the ball. Pressure: Use high press to turn the ball further up when you hunt a gate, but if you want to defend a guide, high pressers can bring the players out of the position, so remember Turn off it! Formation: Decide for four or five at the back. Wing backs are ideal for attacks, but you can stay behind when you press high. So make sure that you are ready for long ball counter attacks when you push the players forward. Custom settings: Width and depth of the defensive are now located on a slider between 1-100 in FIFA 22; The decision for a deeper line of defense makes you safer against attacks with long balls, but conversely the attack. We recommend testing this in several games and adapting to your style of play.
Tactics vs. Legacy defense in FIFA 22
The modern tactical defense control can be converted to the stand / sliding device from FIFA 12 with O / B and Square / X.
If you only play FIFA 22 offline and find the defense too hard, try to switch to Legacy defense and take the timing from the job. Just pursue the attacker and presses standing or sliding tackle to recover the ball. However, the attacking site is still intelligent, and the KI of her defenders will hit the opponent hard, so they stay stuck when they take a passport or skill to get past them.
So you have it, a fast master class, as you defend in FIFA 22. Hopefully these tips will help you to tighten your defense and save your goalkeeper less shots. If you have read these tips and found that your outer chests need some work, look at our list of the best FIFA 22 outer chests and the best FIFA 22 central backing.
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