Respawn expands Apex Legends classified division and shares news about server problems
APEX Legends Players received good and bad news in RESPAILTLA entertainment last update on server problems that plague the game from the launch of the most recent patch. The good news is that the current classification division of the game, the first of the season, has been extended to allow players to accumulate some more points before open tips occur and there is a soft row reboot. The bad news is that the servers are not yet repaired and it is not expected to return to normal until September 22 as very soon.
The latest in apex s server s problems came from the Twitter account from Respawn in a Tweet that said that despite the improvements made, the problems with disconnections and servers in general continue to present. Respawn said he is still seeing three times the amount of disconnection errors in the game, a problem with which the players will already be very familiar if they have been playing in recent days.
Despite today s improvements, we continue to see approximately three times the normal rate of disconnection errors in @playapex, and the full return to normal can take until our next planned patch on September 22.
We will extend the current classification division in a week; That update will be published on Monday.
- Respawn (@respawn) September 17, 2021
The positive side of the solution that will not reach until after the weekend is the extended classification division. Respawn said he plans to extend the season classified a week before his final scheduled on Monday. With the extension of a week in force, the first classified division of the season will end on September 27. However, it has not been said if the Evolution Collection event that is being carried out now will have a similar extension due to problems.
An extension of the classified division was one of the main things that players asked in many consultations and responses aimed at Respawn with respect to server problems. While the simple answer to avoid critical disconnections in classified modes is simply not to play qualifying items while servers have problems, the long duration of server problems led players to ask if the qualifying division could be extended. Server s problems do not discriminate between classified or casual modes, so players on both sides of the Apéndex experience have been encountered with these problems.
This is not the first update we receive about server s problems, and it will definitely not be the last one. The corrections and extensions for the current season should be published next week on the dates listed above, so until then, it is better to expect the server s problems to continue regardless of the way you are playing.
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