Beautiful and very spooky. Tandem: The Story of the Shadow Delivery start for PC-Girl and Teddy Bear Victoria Performance Puzzle ACT, Domestic PS4 / Switch Version is scheduled to be November
Hatinh Interactive Puzzle Platformer for MONOCHROME PARIS Development TANDEM: Tandem: A Tale of Shadows is released for Windows and overseas PS4 / Xbox ONE / Nintendose switch, and trailer Was released.
This work is a puzzle platformer set in the Victorian-style world that gained an idea from Tim Burton, Joule Vernes and Conan Doyl. The main character Emma follows the mystery about the disappearance of Thomas Kaine of the tribal family with Teddy Bear s Fenton.
Beautifully and spooky world is a masterpiece, but it is characterized by going through two viewpoints: Top Down and Fenton s horizontal scroll. Make a shadow by illuminating with top-down, and later scrolling will walk using that shadow.
Tandem: The Story of the Shadow also supports Japanese for Windows (1,953 yen until October 28) for Windows (1,953 yen until October 28) for Windows, and $ 17.49 at GOG.COM ), Epic Games Store is distributed at 2,790 yen (1,953 yen until 7 am on October 28). Overseas is also delivered for PS4 / Nintendose switches. In addition, although it is announced for Xbox ONE, although it is not possible to purchase both domestic / abroad Microsoft Store at the time of article writing.
In addition, the domestic PS4 / Nintendose switch will be released in November than BEEP.
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