The team entertainment, Seoul Metropolitan Government and VR Experience Exhibits
The Titanic RMS [Note 1] was a British transatlantic, the largest passenger boat in the world at the end of its construction, which sank over the night of 14 and dawn from April 15, 1912 during its inaugural journey from Southampton to New York In the sinking of Titanic, 1496 people were killed from 2208 that were on board, which makes this catastrophe into one of the greatest shipwrecks in the history occurred in times of peace. Being built between 1909 and 1912 in the Harland & Wolff shipyards of Belfast, the Titanic constituted the second ship of a trio of great transatlantic (being the first RMS Olympic and the third HMHS Britannic), owned by the shipping company White Star Line, known as the Olympic class.
Among the passengers of her were some of the richest people in the world, in addition to hundreds of immigrants of Irish, British and Scandinavian nationality who were looking for a better life in North America. The boat was designed to be the latest in luxury and comfort, and counted with gym, indoor pool, library, luxury restaurants and opulent cabins for first class travelers, as well as with a powerful telegraphy station available for passenger use And crew. Added to all this, the ship was equipped with some advanced security measures for the time, such as the bulkheads of their helmet and remotely activated watertight gates. However, other measures were insufficient since it only carried life boats for 1178 passengers, just over half of those on board on the inaugural journey of it and one third of its total capacity of 3547 people.
After sailing from Southampton on April 10, 1912, the Titanic emphasized in Cherburg (France) and Queenstown (current COBH) in Ireland, before heading to the Atlantic Ocean. At 23:40 on April 14, four days after sailing and about 600 km south of Newfoundland, the Titanic shocked with an iceberg. The collision opened several plates of the helmet on the starboard side under the flotation line, along five of the sixteen bulkheads, which began to flood. For two and a half hours, the ship was gradually sinking through its bow section while the stern rose, and at this time several hundred passengers and crew were evacuated in the lifeboats, of which almost none was filled until its maximum capacity. A very high number of men perished due to the strict rescue protocol that was followed in the evacuation process, known as women and children first. Shortly before 2:20 on April 15, the ship is He left in two and sank with hundreds of people still on board. Most of those who were floating on the surface died of hypothermia, although some managed to be rescued by lifeboats. The 712 survivors were collected by the Transatlantic RMS Carpathia a few hours later.
The shipwreck of Titanic shocked and indignant to the whole world for the high number of fatalities and the errors committed in the accident. The public investigations carried out in the United Kingdom and the United States led to the implementation of important improvements in maritime safety and to the creation in 1914 of the International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at sea (Solo, for its acronym in English), That maritime safety still governs today. Many of the survivors, who lost all their heritage in the tragedy, were helped thanks to public charity, but others, as the president of the White Star, J. Bruce Ismay, were accused of cowardice for his premature abandonment of the ship and condemned to social ostracism.
The titanic s pecium was discovered on September 1, 1985 by the American oceanographer Robert Ballard at the bottom of the North Atlantic at a depth of 3784 meters. The remains are very damaged and suffer a progressive deterioration, but since its discovery thousands of ship s boat objects have been recovered and these are on exhibition at numerous museums in the world.
The Titanic is perhaps the most famous ship in history and her memory remains very alive thanks to numerous books, songs, movies, exhibitions and memorials.
[INTERNATIONAL The Team Entertainment (Representative Kim Sung-jae) is a UD (Universal Design), which is held on the 30th Olympic Park, which will be held on the 30th Olympic Park, Empathy Weekly Housing Wrap Display Experience Events.
Universal Design Traffic Light Experience VR is a game that draws the process of episodes that is invited to the birthday party of animal friends, which is a raw material friend who can not accurately distinguish the specific color.
Experienced by VRs, through VR, the distinction of the signal system with a different color of the traffic lights in different colors at the time of the protagonist, with the distinction of the signal system, with the distinction of the signal system, and based on it, I was designed to think about the city environment of the city.
The developer shall, in accordance with the Metropolitan Design of the Developer, to make it easier to understand the concept of universal design, so they are a person who is more than a colors such as colors, such as colors, such as colors, etc.
Kim Sung-jae The Team Entertainment General PD said, Many people participating in this exhibition event can directly experience the difficulties that disabled, elderly people, parents, and parents of the disabled, I participated in the development, he said, he said, he said, he said to participate in a fairly emotional design culture spreading activities, and to participate in a variety of social contributions to participate in a fair emotional design culture spreading activities.
The Universal Design Traffic Light Experience VR Content to be released this time, said University of America, said, I planned to continue to develop content.
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