CLIODNA is passing through the walls of Queen Banshee with Smitte
Clivina is a category of ground beetle native to the Palearctic, the Nearctic, the Near East as well as North Africa. There go to the very least 580 described types in Clivina. CLIODNA This has been the first Members of the TUTHA DÉ DANANN for many years, which entered the world Smitte . War between Tiamat and Gilgamesh had a high price - mankind cost us. So much death attracted the Queen Banshee (not to confuse her with Sylvanas), who carries a key fragment of ancient knowledge from her region - forcing Merlin to face her past. At least her feature introduction looks like. CLIODNE is a unique, Celtic goddess that proves that Hi-REZ has several interesting ideas for SMITE characters. Why? See her skills that change depending on whether the heroine is in the wall or not! Fantasmatic CLIODNA can enter into a wall every 16 s. When you are in the wall, you can move freely and use some skills. Every 0.5 seconds loses 0.15% of health - this effect gains intensity up to 40 times. It ca...